It’s time to be real about sexual health

Sex is often considered a taboo subject, especially in the United Kingdom, where many people still find it uncomfortable to discuss openly. Given this cultural hesitation, it is no surprise that conversations surrounding sexual health are frequently avoided, resulting in widespread ignorance and misunderstandings. Despite this, government reports have highlighted a significant rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) over the past few years, revealing that more individuals are contracting preventable and curable diseases. The lack of open dialogue is not only contributing to these rising numbers but also inhibiting access to crucial knowledge and care.

As World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) 2024 approaches, there is an opportunity to change this narrative. This international event, celebrated annually on September 4th, aims to raise awareness about sexual health, combat stigma, and promote access to education and resources. The theme for WSHD 2024, “positive relationships,” provides a platform to encourage open discussions about sexual health within all kinds of relationships, including those with partners, friends, family members, and even sex workers. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind the persistent taboo surrounding sexual health, discuss why open conversations are vital for individual and public health, and provide strategies for initiating these discussions with confidence and empathy.

Understanding the Taboo Surrounding Sexual Health

The discomfort many people feel when discussing sexual health is deeply rooted in societal norms, historical attitudes, and cultural values. Sexual health has long been associated with shame and embarrassment, often due to the lack of proper education and awareness. Many myths still persist about sexually transmitted infections and sexual activity, leading to widespread misconceptions. In particular, the belief that contracting an STI reflects negatively on a person's character or lifestyle continues to perpetuate stigma. These myths are especially prevalent in communities with strict purity cultures, where sexual health issues are viewed as moral failings rather than medical conditions.

In reality, STIs are relatively common, and the majority are treatable without long-term consequences. However, the association between sexual health and shame discourages individuals from seeking treatment or discussing their experiences. This silence only exacerbates the problem, leaving many people uninformed and vulnerable to preventable conditions. By confronting and dismantling these misconceptions, society can begin to address the root causes of the stigma surrounding sexual health.

The Importance of Open Conversations About Sexual Health

Open and honest communication about sexual health is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, breaking the stigma around sexual health makes it easier for individuals to seek medical care, ultimately improving their physical and mental well-being. When people feel comfortable discussing their sexual health, they are more likely to access the services they need, including STI testing, contraception, and treatment. This leads to earlier detection of infections, more effective treatment, and a reduction in transmission rates.

Furthermore, open discussions about sexual health can have a profound impact on mental health. The stress and anxiety that come from hiding sexual health concerns or feeling ashamed can contribute to issues like depression and low self-esteem. Normalizing conversations about sexual health helps reduce these negative emotions, empowering individuals to take control of their health without fear of judgment.

From a public health perspective, increasing openness around sexual health has the potential to lower STI rates across the population. When more people are informed and feel empowered to take preventative measures, such as using protection or getting regular screenings, the overall risk of transmission decreases. In this way, promoting open conversations about sexual health not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier society as a whole.

Strategies for Talking About Sexual Health

Despite the clear benefits of discussing sexual health, many people still find it challenging to start these conversations. The discomfort often stems from a lack of experience or fear of judgment. However, there are several strategies that can make these discussions easier and more effective.

First, it is important to choose the right moment to bring up the topic. Conversations about sexual health should take place in a private and comfortable setting, where both parties feel at ease. Timing is also crucial—avoid bringing up sensitive subjects during moments of stress or distraction. A relaxed environment can help reduce awkwardness and encourage openness.

Second, using clear and direct language is key. While it may be tempting to use euphemisms or metaphors to soften the conversation, this approach can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, it is better to speak plainly and confidently about sexual health, ensuring that the message is communicated effectively.

Third, normalizing the topic by treating it like any other health issue can help reduce the stigma associated with sexual health. Just as one would discuss a cold or a broken bone, sexual health should be approached as a routine aspect of overall well-being. This approach can make the conversation feel more natural and less daunting.

Additionally, it is essential to create a non-judgmental and supportive environment when discussing sexual health. Everyone has different experiences, preferences, and levels of knowledge, so it is important to approach the conversation with empathy and an open mind. Judgments or criticisms can shut down the dialogue and reinforce feelings of shame or embarrassment.

Finally, practicing active listening is crucial when discussing sexual health. Rather than focusing solely on delivering your message, take the time to listen to the other person's thoughts and concerns. This will not only help build trust but also ensure that both parties feel heard and respected.


The taboo surrounding sexual health continues to create barriers to education, treatment, and understanding. However, as World Sexual Health Day 2024 highlights, there is an opportunity to change the conversation. By promoting open and honest discussions about sexual health, we can break down the stigma, empower individuals to seek care, and improve public health outcomes. Whether in relationships with partners, friends, or family members, initiating these conversations can lead to greater self-awareness, reduced anxiety, and healthier communities. Together, we can move toward a future where sexual health is treated as a natural and important part of overall well-being.

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